The Cap Set Problem

Sun Dec 31 2023

Google Deepmind recently published an exciting paper purporting to use an LLM to find new solutions to a variety of open math problems.

Unsurprisingly, there are many hyperbolic headlines:

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A lot of misinformation about STEM discoveries seem to come from assuming that research problems are simply more complex versions of what we all had to do in high school. This is, of course, far from the truth.

In this case, the math problem is called the Cap Set Problem. It is not a problem with one specific solution. There are different degrees of solutions and all different kind of ways to study it.

Breakthroughs on the Cap Set Problem are not displays of genius but displays of ingenuity.

I don’t say this to minimize the work of the Deepmind researchers — The paper is definitely incredibly exciting.

We do a disservice to breakthroughs by overhyping them. To get people to be excited about a breakthrough, we should get people to actually understand what has been broken through.

And so I will attempt to explain the Cap Set problem.

We’ll start with an aggressively formal definition that we will unpack piece by piece. I’ve tailored this post for someone with at minimum a tenuous grasp on sets.

Let a,b,ca,b,c be distinct elements of Z3n\Z_3^n. We say that a,b,ca,b,c form a line if a+b+c=0a + b + c = 0

Let XX be a subset of Z3n\Z_3^n. We call XX a cap set if no three distinct elements of XX form a line.

The Cap Set problem refers to a number of questions related to these sets such as:

  • For a given nn what is the largest XX can be?
  • For a given nn, what explicit Cap Sets can we find?

What in the world is Z3n\Z_3^n (Pronounced Z-three-n)?

Mathematicians are often interested in studying unconventional number systems. Z3\Z_3 is a relatively simple number system composed of exactly three numbers: [0],[1],[2][0], [1], [2].

Now I write the brackets to make it clear that these aren’t the normal numbers 0,1, and 20,1, \text{ and } 2. Though you will see soon that they share some key similarities.

We can also construct number systems by combining Z3\Z_3 with itself. Z32\Z^2_3 is set of all pairs of elements in Z3\Z_3. ([1],[2]),([1],[1]), and ([0],[2])([1],[2]), ([1],[1]), \text{ and }([0],[2]) are all examples of elements of Z32\Z_3^2.

([2],[4])([2],[4]) is not in Z32\Z_3^2 because [4][4] is not an element in Z3\Z_3.

We can similarly talk about Z33\Z_3^3 which is the set of groups of 3 elements of Z33\Z_3^3 such as ([1],[2],[3]),([1],[2],[1]),([0],[0],[2])([1],[2],[3]), ([1],[2],[1]), ([0],[0], [2]) or ([0],[0],[0])([0],[0],[0]).

When we write Z3n\Z_3^n we refer to collections of nn elements of Z3\Z_3. If xx is an element of Z3n\Z_3^n we denote the i’th point of xx as xix_i.

So if x=([1],[2],[0],[1])x = ([1],[2],[0],[1]) we have that x1=[1],x2=[2],x3=[0],x4=[1]x_1 = [1], x_2 = [2], x_3 = [0], x_4 =[1].

Adding elements of Z3n\Z_3^n

When mathematicians construct these alternative number systems, they are also often interested in conducting operations in the number systems that are analogous to addition or multiplication.

But what does “addition” even mean in the context of Z3\Z_3? We can’t say that [1]+[2]=[3][1] + [2] = [3] because [3][3] is not even in our number system.

Instead, we can add our three numbers like so:

+[0][1][2][0][0][1][2][1][1][2][0][2][2][0][1]\begin{array}{c|ccc}+ & [0] & [1] & [2] \\ \hline [0] & [0] & [1] & [2] \\ [1] & [1] & [2] & [0] \\ [2] & [2] & [0] & [1] \end{array}

That means we can add two elements in Z3\Z_3 and get another element in Z3\Z_3. In other words, it is “closed” over addition.

Our “addition” operation functions as follows:

[x]+[y]=[Remainder obtained by x+y3][2]+[2]=[Remainder obtained by 43]=[1][1]+[2]=[Remainder obtained by 33]=[0][x] + [y] = [\text{Remainder obtained by } \frac{x+y}{3}] \\ {[2]} + {[2]} = [\text{Remainder obtained by } \frac{4}{3}] = [1]\\ {[1]} + [2] = [\text{Remainder obtained by } \frac{3}{3}] = [0]

An interesting (and soon to be important) thing to notice:

Let x,y, and zx,y, \text{ and } z be elements in Z3\Z^3. x+y+z=[0]x+y+z=[0] if and only x,y, and zx,y, \text{ and } z are all equal or all different.

You can show this by hand:

[0]+[0]+[0]=[0][1]+[1]+[1]=[2]+[1]=[0][2]+[2]+[2]=[1]+[2]=[0][0]+[1]+[2]=[1]+[2]=[0][0] + [0] + [0] = [0] \\ {[1]} + [1] + [1] = [2] + [1] = [0] \\ {[2]} + [2] + [2] = [1] + [2] = [0] \\ {[0]} + [1] + [2] = [1] + [2] = [0]

We similarly can add elements of Z3n\Z_3^n by component:

([x],[y])+([z],[w])=([x]+[z],[y]+[w])([x], [y]) + ([z], [w]) = ([x] + [z], [y] + [w])

For example:

([1],[2])+([2],[2])=([0],[1])([1],[2],[0])+([1],[0],[2])=([2],[2],[2])([1], [2]) + ([2], [2]) = ([0], [1]) \\ ([1], [2], [0]) + ([1], [0], [2]) = ([2], [2], [2])

So if we apply our “add up 00 rule” from above we get that:

Let x,y, and zx,y, \text{ and } z be elements in Z3n\Z_3^n. x+y+z=([0],[0],....,[0])x+y+z = ([0],[0],....,[0]) if and only if for each ii from 11 to nn, either xi,yi, and zix_i,y_i, \text{ and } z_i are equal or xi,yi, and zix_i,y_i, \text{ and } z_i are all different.

For example for n=3n = 3:

([1],[0],[2])+([1],[0],[2])+([1],[0],[2])=([0],[0],[0])([1],[2],[0])+([0],[1],[2])+([2],[0],[1])=([1],[0],[2])+([2],[0],[1])=([0],[0],[0])([1],[0],[2]) + ([1],[0],[2]) + ([1],[0],[2]) = ([0],[0],[0]) \\ ([1],[2],[0]) + ([0],[1],[2]) + ([2],[0],[1]) = ([1], [0], [2]) + ([2],[0],[1]) = ([0], [0], [0])

Finally a note on notation:

For simplicities sake we write “[0][0]” and we write “([0],[0],...,[0])([0], [0], ..., [0])” as simply “00”. Similarly for the sake of simplicity we write “[1][1]” as “11” and “[2][2]” as “22

Returning to Cap Sets

With that context, let us know return to the original definition:

Let a,b,ca,b,c be distinct elements of Z3n\Z_3^n. We say that a,b,ca,b,c form a line if a+b+c=0a + b + c = 0

Let XX be a subset of Z3n\Z_3^n. We call XX a cap set if no three distinct elements of XX form a line.

Now validating the examples here can get quite arduous, especially as nn gets big. Let’s consider the case n=4n=4(So we want subsets of Z34\Z_3^4). An example of a cap set of size four would be:

A=(1,0,0,0)B=(1,1,0,0)C=(1,1,0,0)D=(0,1,0,0)A = (1,0,0,0) \\ B = (1,1,0,0) \\ C = (1,1,0,0) \\ D = (0,1,0,0)

To prove this is a cap set, we can directly add up every triplet:

A+B+C=(0,2,0,0)A+B+D=(2,2,0,0)A+C+D=(2,0,0,0)B+C+D=(2,0,0,0)A+ B + C = (0, 2, 0, 0) \\ A + B + D = (2, 2, 0, 0) \\ A + C +D = (2, 0, 0, 0) \\ B + C + D = (2, 0, 0, 0)

Thus no three elements in our set form a line, which means A,B,C,D{A,B,C,D} is a Cap Set!

To get a feel for how these works, try to add a fifth element to this cap set

Why not just guess and check to find all the Cap Sets?

For each nn, there are 3n3^n total elements in Z3n\Z_3^n. So the absolute upper bound on a Cap Set is 3n.3^n.

For a set of size KK, there are 2K2^K unique subsets. That means just for Z34\Z_3^4 there are 234=2812^{3^{4}}= 2^{81} possible candidates for Cap Sets. That is larger than 102410^{24} for reference.

As soon as we get to n=6n=6, we now have to consider over 1021910^{219} possible cap sets. For reference, there are estimated to be roughly 108010^{80} atoms in the universe.

So in practice, trying to find Cap Sets can be an extremely difficult task. When trying to find large Cap Sets, you do not want to rely on brute force or guess and check.

Instead, it is more efficient to produce a Cap Set indirectly. For example in Z34\Z_3^4:

Consider all the elements in xZ34x \in \Z_3^4 that do not contain 2. For example (0,0,0,1) and (1,1,1,0)(0,0,0,1) \text{ and } (1,1,1,0) would count, but (2,2,0,0)(2,2,0,0) would not.

One can prove that this forms a cap set of size 1616:

What did Google DeepMind discover?

What makes problems like the Cap Set Problem so great for LLMs is that progress on this problem is not made by brute force and is not made by one wide-ranging solution.

It is made by designing clever algorithms and techniques. To say it differently, it is an art not a science.

The DeepMind team created a model called FunSearch which attempts to find these algorithms using LLMs. Any further explanation of there method would not do it justice, but I encourage you to read more here.

They discovered:

  • A cap set of size 512 for Z38\Z_3^8, which is the largest Cap Set ever found for Z38\Z_3^8. We do not yet know how large a Cap Set in Z38\Z_3^8 can be.
  • Let cnc_n be the size of the largest Cap set in Z3n\Z_3^n. Mathematicians are also interested in the size of the value supncnn\sup_{n}\sqrt[n]{c_n}. You can think of this value as the limit as nn goes to infinity of cnn\sqrt[n]{c_n}. FunSearch found a new lower bound for this value of 2.22022.2202. This is the largest improvement to estimating the lower bound in the past 20 years.

These breakthroughs are an extremely promising look into what AI-assisted STEM research is capable of. There are no shortage of these types of problems. We’ve already seen similar breakthroughs (Much of which conducted by the DeepMind team) in areas such as:

  • Sphere Packing
  • Knot Theory
  • Algorithmic Design